In today’s competitive job market, companies need to ensure that their employees are taken care of even during a layoff. Choosing the right outplacement provider is crucial in this process. Outplacement services not only benefit the employees who are being let go but also the employers.

We will explore the steps you need to take to choose the best outplacement provider for your company. From assessing your company’s needs to evaluating potential providers and considering cost and ROI, we will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

1. Assess Your Company’s Needs

Assessing your company’s needs is an important step in choosing the best outplacement provider. Before choosing an outplacement provider, you need to identify the specific needs of your company and employees.

Things to consider to determine your company’s outplacement needs:

  • How many employees will be laid off?
  • What is the seniority level of the laid-off employees and what level of support is needed for each level?
  • Do you prefer a service that offers online services or one-on-one coaching?
  • Do you need a provider that specializes in a particular industry?
  • What is your budget for outplacement services?

By answering these questions, you will be better equipped to choose an outplacement provider that meets your company’s specific needs.

2. Research Potential Providers

When choosing the best outplacement provider for your company, it is important to research potential providers thoroughly. One way to start is by searching for outplacement providers online and reviewing their websites. Look for information about how long they have been in business and what kind of services they offer. 

Review the backgrounds of the professionals that will be providing services to your employees. Are they certified resume writers or interview coaches? Do they have experience working with clients like your employees?

Another important step is to read reviews and testimonials from previous clients or employers. This can give you a better sense of the provider’s reputation and the quality of their services. Look for reviews on third-party websites or ask the provider for references from previous clients.

3. Evaluate the Provider’s Offerings

Evaluating the services provided by each provider shortlisted above is a key step in choosing the best outplacement provider for your company. In this step, you need to review the types of services offered by each provider and see how they line up with what is best for your company and the departing employees. 

Consider the range of services offered and the level of customization available. A good outplacement provider should offer a range of services to meet the needs of different employees. These services may include resume writing, reverse recruiting, job search coaching, networking assistance, interview preparation, salary negotiation advice, etc.

Assess the level of support provided by each outplacement provider. Will they provide ongoing support to your employees until they find a new job? Do they offer personalized coaching or group sessions? Make sure you choose a provider that offers the level of support that your employees need.

It is also essential to evaluate the provider’s track record and success rate. By doing so, you can ensure that you are selecting a provider that meets your company’s specific needs and has a proven performance history. Take your time to evaluate each provider carefully and make an informed decision that will benefit your employees and your company in the long run.

4. Consider Cost and ROI

When choosing an outplacement provider for your company, it is important to consider the cost and potential ROI. Outplacement services can vary in cost depending on the provider and the level of services offered. You should compare the costs of different providers to ensure that you are getting a fair price for their services. 

Additionally, you should evaluate the potential ROI based on the provider’s success rate and the services they offer. A provider with a high success rate and a comprehensive range of services may be worth the investment, as they can help your former employees find new jobs quickly and efficiently. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your budget and the needs of your company and employees.

5. Choose a Provider and Implement Services

Choosing the right outplacement provider is crucial for any company that wants to provide support for employees who are facing job loss. Once you have evaluated potential providers based on factors such as cost, services offered, and reputation, it’s time to make a decision.

After selecting a provider, it’s important to develop a plan for implementing outplacement services. This plan should include details such as which employees will be eligible for the services, how to access them, and what types of support will be provided and for how long. 

It’s important to communicate this plan to affected employees in a clear and compassionate manner. Providing necessary support during this time can help ease the transition and reduce stress for those who are impacted.

Key Takeaways

Choosing the right outplacement provider is paramount for both employees and employers. By selecting a provider that offers support and resources that align with your company’s and employees’ needs, employees can receive the necessary guidance to transition smoothly into their next career opportunity. Employers benefit from maintaining a positive reputation and retaining the loyalty of their departing employees.

It is important to carefully evaluate 3 – 5 potential providers based on their experience, services, and success rates to ensure the best outcomes for all parties involved. One service to consider is Find My Profession. Our Outplacement Services provide resume writing, reverse recruiting, interview coaching, and more to get displaced employees back to work.